Nama :
Judul Jurnal
- ISNA MARANTIKA/ 130200729
- INDRIANI/130200696
- DWI RIDARWATI/130200733
- NURUL ABIDAH/130200730
Judul Jurnal
Exclusive breastfeeding of low birth weight infants for the first
six months: infant morbidity and maternal and infant anthropometry
Background: to report anthropometry and morbidity among term low
birth weight infants and anthropometry oftheir first time mothers during the first
six months in relation to breastfeeding practice. Methods: we examineddata from
a randomized controlled trial in Manila, the Philippines. Of the 204 mothers
randomized, 68 mothers received eight postpartum breastfeeding counseling
sessions, the rest did not. Maternal and infant anthropometricdata at birth, 2,
4 and 6 months were taken. During seven follow-up hospital visits, an
independent interviewer recorded feeding data. Results: the 24 infants
exclusively breastfed from birth to six months did not have diarrhea compared
to 134 partially breastfed (mean 2.3 days) and 21 non-breastfed infants (mean
2.5 days). Partially breastfed and non-breastfed infants compared to
exclusively breastfed infants had more frequent, as well as
more severe episodes of respiratory infections. At six months,
neither overall gain in infant weight, length and head circumferences nor mean
maternal weight and body mass index differed significantly between the feeding groups.
Conclusions: exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months can be recommended in term
low birth weight infants, who were protected from diarrhea, had fewer
respiratory infections, required no hospitalization and had catch up growth.
Exclusively breastfeeding mothers did not differ from mothers who breastfed
partially or thosewho did not breastfeed with regard to weight changes at six
The World Health Organization’s recommendation for mothers to
exclusively breastfeed infants for the first six months requires a broader
appraisal of its effects on both infants and mothers.1 This is particularly
important for infants born with low birth weight (<2500 grams) and mothers
with health risks.2,3 Low maternal BMI (<20) is associated with increased morbidity.4
Low birth weight (LBW) infants present unique problems in breastfeeding as newborns,5
and are at increased risk of serious health outcomes and long-term disabilities.6,7
LBW infants in the Philippines and elsewhere are breastfed to a
smaller extent compared to infants with normal birth weights.8,9 Exclusive
breastfeeding leads to nutritional and immunological benefits as well as
improved cognitive outcome. 10 No growth deficiency was found in Honduran LBW
infants exclusively breastfed from birth to six months.11 Mothers who
breastfeed exclusively are able to space childbirth and are less likely to have
menstruation at six months or earlier,12 which conserves nutrients such as
iron.13 Breastfeeding helps mothers bond with their infants. Among low –income
families, the financial cost savings derived from breastfeeding is huge. We
have recently reported results of a randomized controlled trial in which
postpartum peer counseling among mothers of term and low birth weight infants
have been shown to increase exclusive breastfeeding up to six months.14 Since
the studied mothers and infants constitute a population at risk for poor health,
the aim of this paper is to compare maternal and infant anthropometry and
infant morbidity in relation to breastfeeding practice during the first six
Infant anthropometry
Weight, length and head circumference measurements of the infants
were taken within 30 minutes after birth by a pediatrician on duty. The study
physician, blinded to group, made all subsequent measurements. At infant ages
2, 4, and 6 months, undressed infants were weighed using an electronic weighing
scale (Nakamura®,
Japan). Body weight was measured to the nearest gram. The average of three
weight measurements was recorded as infant weight. The weighing scale was
calibrated daily using standardweights. The study physician and an assistant
took infant length by use of an infantometer (Nakamura®, Japan), recorded
as the average of two readings to the nearest cm. The infant’s head
(occipito-frontal) circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a
non-elastic measure tape. An average of two readings was recorded.
Maternal anthropometry
A trained research assistant measured the mid-upper arm circumference
(MUAC) and took the weights of all mothers before discharge at 12 to 72 hours
postpartum and then at infant ages two, four, and six months. The MUAC was
measured using a non-elastic tape, calibrated to the nearest 0.1 cm, at the
midpoint of the upper arm between the acromion process and the tip of the
olecranon process. In addition a height measurement was performed at infant age
2 weeks. A beam balance weighing scale (Detecto®, USA)
calibrated to 100 grams was used to weigh the mothers. To compute for body mass
index (BMI), the weight (kg) is divided by squared height in meter. A BMI of ≥20
is regarded as normal, 18.5-20 is low and <18.5
represents chronic energy deficiency (CED).16
Infant morbidity
The mothers brought their infants to the study physician when they
observed cough, colds or stool changes in the infants. Diarrhea was diagnosed
when the infants had stools that were looser, more watery and more frequent
than usual. All infant health consultations made by the mother outside the
study clinic were verified and recorded by the study physician. All infant
illnesses in the study were diagnosed and managed by the study physician.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the STATA 7.0 statistical software. Descriptive
analysis included frequencies and contingency tables. Weight-for-age,
length-for-age, and head circumference-for-age z scores were calculated by
using EPI INFO 2000 (CDC, Atlanta).17 Weight at birth and head circumference at
birth analysis were compared using ANOVA. Changes in infant anthropometry and
maternal weight, BMI and MUAC over time and interaction between
time and groups were tested using repeated measures ANOVA.
Morbidity outcomes were analyzed by chisquare test and Fischer’s exact tests
where appropriate. Mean duration of morbidity were compared using ANOVA.
All 179 infants were born at term (39±0.5 weeks).
There were more female than male infants in all groups: 54% of the exclusively
breast fed, 60% of the partially breastfed and 57% of the formula fed. The
infants had no asphyxia or other medical conditions warranting further stay at
the hospital and were discharged within 48 hours postpartum.
Infant morbidity
None of the 24 exclusively breastfed infants had diarrhoea during
the study period (Table 1). Comparably, 44/134 (32.8%) partially breastfed
infants and 15/21 (71.4%) non-breastfed infants had a mean of 2.3 days and 2.5
days of diarrhea, respectively. Ten of twenty-one nonbreastfed infants had 2
episodes of diarrhea during the
breastfeeding for the first six months study period; two of them required
intravenous fluids. Twelve of one hundred thirty-four (8.9%) partially
breastfed infants had 2 or 3 episodes of respiratory tract infections during
the study period. There were significantly more partially breastfed infants 35/134
(26.1%) and nonbreastfed infants 12/21 (57.1%) compared to exclusively breastfed
infants 2/24 (8.3%) who received antibiotics for respiratory infections. None
of the exclusively breastfed infants were hospitalized for respiratory
infections compared to 12/134 (8.9%) of the partially breastfed infants and
8/21 (38%) of the non-breastfed infants. Two of the twelve (16.6%) partially
breastfed infants and two of the eight (25%) non-breastfed infants hospitalized
for bronchopneumonia required intensive care (Table 1). No infant in the study
Table 2
shows infant mean weight at birth, 2, 4 and 6 months. Body length and head
circumference at birth and at 6 months is also shown. The exclusively breastfed
infants did not differ from those partially breastfed and the non-breastfed
infants in any of these parameters. Table 3 shows gains in weight, body length
and head circumference in the groups from birth to six months. Weight gains were
largest between birth and two months and lowest
four and six months. During the latter period the weight gain of the partially
breastfed and non-breastfed infants were significantly higher than that of
those who
exclusively breastfed (p <0.05). However, overall weight gain from
birth to six months did not differ between the groups. Neither did the gains of
length or head circumference from birth to six months differ. Figure 1 shows
the development of mean weight-for-age z score
during 6 months. Neither WAZ (Figure 1) nor mean length-for-age z score
(LAZ) or mean head circumference- z score for age at birth, 2, 4, and 6
months differedbetween the groups. When tested by ANOVA there were no
significant differences between the group over time. There was no difference in
any of the groups with
With respect to:
age, number of prenatal visits, education,
income or
employment outside the home; mothers who
exclusively did not differ from those who
Table 4 shows
maternal anthropometry. Mean height did not differ between the groups. Mean
weight, BMI and MUAC were not statistically different between the groups at
24-48 hour postpartum, or at 2, 4 and 6 months. Neither did the mean weight
loss, decrease in BMI or MUAC during the six months differ. ANOVA-analysis
showed that there were no significant changes in MUAC over time. However, there
were significant changes in weight as well as in BMI but the changes did not
differ among the groups for weight or for BMI. The proportions of mothers with
low BMI and CED (Table 5) increased as compared to the situation at baseline.
However, there were no significant differences among groups at any time point.
The infants who
were exclusively breastfed from birth to six months were protected from
diarrhea as well as severe respiratory infections and had catch up growth. The
mean weight loss and decrease in BMI and MUAC through six months did not differ
among these first time mothers who breastfed infants exclusively or partially
or gave formula.This isreassuring for mothers of low birth weight infants, who
commonly have nutritional problems. Breastfeeding has been reported to lower
incidence and percentage of infant ill days, and to result in shorter episodes
of diarrhea and acute respiratory infection.18 We obtained no differences among
groups with regard to the number of respiratory infections, even though the
partially breastfed infants had more severe infections. Our data are consistent
with results from studies from the Philippines as well as with data from other
developing countries demonstrating that breastfeeding confers protection against
diarrhea. Exclusive breastfeeding protects against diarrhea by eliminating
exposure to water- and food borne pathogens.19-21 It also provides protection
through several factors such as SIgA, antibodies, lactoferrin and
lysoszyme.22 Gains
in weight, length and head circumference during the six months study period did
not differ among the study infants. Further, similar average gains in weight, length
and head circumferences were observed even among infants of mothers with low
BMI or CED. The mean weight, length and head circumference of the infants of
all groups through six months were well within the normal range for LBW
Filipino infants.23 The average gains in infant weight, length and head
circumference over the six-month period were similar to those observed in other
low-income country studies.24 Despite the smaller weight gain achieved by
infants of all groups between 4 and 6 months, growth faltering is difficult to
evaluate during the short observation period and by using the NCHS growth
chart, which is based on a sample of predominantly formula-fed infants, born
appropriate for age. The LBW infants in this study who were breastfed
exclusively for their first 6 months had catch up growth implying that breast
milk alone is sufficient to support growth. Considering the benefits of
exclusive breastfeeding from birth the need to collect this kind of information
should be kept in mind and that the use of 24 hours recall of infant feeding
might have imitations as to accuracy. Studies
involving mothers from developed countries have not shown any relationship
between postpartum maternal weight loss and breastfeeding.25,26 Our findings confirm
results showing that the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding was not
associated with increased postpartum maternal weight loss at six months.27,28
breastfeeding from birth to six months, as recommended by the WHO, is not
disadvantageous with respect to maternal physical status. There are some
limitations in our study. First, there were a small number of exclusively
breastfed infants. Secondly, our data was derived from a randomized trial, of
which the primary objective was to test the efficacy of peer counselling on the
exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding through six months. Even though
breastfeeding was self-reported the recall period was short and hence more
The strength of
the study is attributable to the fact that data was derived from a randomised
controlled trial. Only one study physician verified infant illnesses and made
all body measurements. Furthermore, one and the same researcher made all
maternal measurements during the entire study period. The high quality of the
data is strengthened by careful, longitudinal and repeated measurements over
In conclusion,
exclusive breastfeeding from birth to six months was associated with catch up
growth and protected LBW infants from diarrhea and more severe respiratory tract
infections. It is reassuring that exclusively breastfeeding mothers did not
loose more weight than those partially breastfeeding or the mothers who did not
breastfeed. Exclusive breastfeeding of term low birth weight infant is thus
beneficial for both mother and infant.
merekomendasikan untuk memberikan ASI ekslusif untuk anaknya sampai usia 6
bulan. ASI ekslusif adalah memeberikan asi tanpa memebrikan makanan pendamping
apapun sampai usia bayi 6 bulan. Asi ekslusuif sangan bermanfaat baik bagi si
ibu dan juga untuk bayiSalah satu cara efektif yang direkomendasikan oleh World
Health Organization (WHO) dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi bayidengan berat
badan lahir rendah adalah dengan memberikan ASI secara eksklusif sekurangnya
selama usia 6 bulan pertama. Bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) merupakan bayi yang
dilahirkan dengan berat lahir kurang dari 2500 gram tanpa memandang usia
Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan satusatunya makanan bagi bayi usia 6 bulan pertama
yang mencukupi seluruh unsur kebutuhan bayi baik fisik, psikologi, sosial
maupun spiritual. ASI sangat bermanfaat bagi bayi, terutama dalam mengurangi
kejadian infeksi, karena ASI
jam pertama mengandung kolostrum yang berguna untuk meningkatkan daya tahan
juga mengandung whey (protein utama dari susu yang berbentuk cair) lebih
banyak dari pada casein (protein utama dari susu yang berbentuk
gumpalan) sehingga ASI lebih mudah diserap tubuh bayi, dan akan berpengaruh
kepada peningkatan berat badan bayi (Baskoro, 2008).ASI dapat ditoleransi
dengan lebih baik, mendukung pematangan usus, dan mengurangi resiko
enterokolitis nekrotrikan. Sehingga mencegah terjadinya diare pada bayi, karena
banyak bayi yang mengalami diare karena tidak mendapatkan asi. Di dalam ASI
terdapat Minimal enteral trophic feeding yang terbukti merangsang
saluran gastrointestinal bayi, mencegah atrofi mukosa dan selanjutnya
menghindari kesulitan pemberian makan. Perubahan berat badan pada BBLR mencerminkan
kondisi gizi atau nutrisi bayi dan erat kaitannya dengan daya tahan tubuh. Pada
BBLR akan kehilangan berat badan pada minggu pertama kehidupannya sebesar 10-15%.
Dan akan kembali lagi pada usia10-14 hari sebesar 25-30 gr per hari selama 3
bulan. Uji pengukuran
berat (weighing test) sering
digunakan untuk memperkirakan asupan susu
bayi yang mendapat ASI. Bayi ditimbang sebelum
dan sesudah mendapatkan ASI.
ASI juga bermanfaat bagi Ibu diantaranya :
1. Membantu
mempercepat pengembalian uterus sehingga mencegah terjadinya perdarahan post
2. Menyusui
secara teratur akan menurunkan berat badansecara bertahapkarena penegeluaran
energi untuk ASI dan proses pembentukannya akan mempercepat kehilangan lemak.
3. Mencegah
terjadinya kanker payudara
4. Sebagai
alat kontrasepsi alami/Metode Amenore Laktasi (MAL)
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian asi ekslusif mempunyai banyak
manfaat diantaranya pada bayi dengan BBLR akan mengalami kenaikan berat badan,
sehingga pemberian ASI sangat dianjurkan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi bagi
BBLR dan mencegah terjadinya diare pada bayi karena kandungan ASI yang sesuai
dengan kebutuhan bayi serta untuk ibu dapat menurunkan berat badan secara
marmi. (2014). Asuhan
Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas " Pueperium Care". Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Soetjiningsih. (1997). ASI : Petunjuk untuk Tenaga
Kesehatan. Jakarta: EGC.
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